Last week we were heartbroken to learn that our sweet Nardos passed away from complications of pneumonia at the age of 5.
Nardos was one of our special needs boys who lived with cerebral palsy and a number of other health issues.
From the first time I saw a picture of him in early 2019, I couldn't wait to hold him.
I was filled with love for him and his precious life.
This is my favorite picture of him because you can see his bright eyes full of promise.
Haddis worked to provide him with the best possible medical care, equipment and therapy available in Gondar and when we saw him again in January 2020 he had grown so much and was thriving under the loving care of his nanny and the staff at Bridge of Hope Orphanage.
But his little body could only take so much. His feeding difficulties and skeletal deformities took a toll and when we saw him on our last trip in March, we knew that his body was failing. Again, we sought the best possible care for him, but on April 26th, his little body was no longer able to fight.
Upon hearing the news I was overwhelmed and cried for him and for the many things that seem so unfair in the world. Suffering is all around us. God has given us at Haddis a particular love and concern for these children and their communities in Ethiopia and we are so thankful that we get be a part of what He is doing.
We are sad that Nardos is no longer here.
And at the same time we rejoice that his body is healed, fully functioning and that Nardos is now in the presence of God.
I picture him running and playing and doing all of the things he wasn’t able to do on this earth. He is now experiencing joy beyond what we can even imagine.

We thank God that we were able to see him one last time and for his nanny who took care of him day and night. Please pray for her and all of the staff and kids at BOH as they grieve his loss.
‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:4-5
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