Sunday, August 28, 2011
My First Blog Giveaway

Friday, August 26, 2011
Finally I Can Post This Great News......
Karen has been waiting for all of the funds to make it into the Trees of Glory account as different groups have been fundraising, so I had to keep it under wraps until she got official word that all the money was in.
Here's the message she sent out today to all the sponsor families:
YOU DID IT!!! All $25,000 has now been raised for the Trees of Glory well project and drilling can begin. We will be wiring the funds to Ethiopia, and the Hopechest team will immediately be working with the drilling company to start the project ASAP!
As soon as we have a progress report and photos - I will let you know and I will post them on my blog! THANK YOU for your incredible commitment to these kids and for advocating and praying for this project!
I will be leading a team of 25 volunteers to Ethiopia in November and we are looking forward to seeing both well projects (at Kind Hearts AND Trees of Glory!!) fully functioning and delivering life-giving water.
Thank you for your continued commitment to your sponsor child and to this critical project!
blessings - Karen Wistrom
Sponsor coordinator for Kind Hearts and Trees of Glory, Ethiopia
I can't tell you how happy I was to learn that the project was fully funded. It literally made me want to jump on the next plane and go hug Simret and tell her, "you don't have to worry anymore--you're getting your well." I'm so excited for them and can't wait to do back and see those smiling faces again.
Remember to check Karen's blog as well for updates. Also, if you're interested in joining the Trees of Glory family by becoming a sponsor of one or more of the sweet kids at the care point, email Karen at kjwistrom@yahoo.com so she can put your name on the waiting list. She's expecting the profiles of 40 more kids soon and will be in need of sponsors.
I love this song-the words are great. Keep changing the world!!!! (pause music at bottom of blog)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Why Homeschool?
Our first week of school was pretty uneventful. We started our first day with me having a mini meltdown in the bathroom because I was behind schedule before I ever started. I had "planned" for all the kids to get ready and sit down at the breakfast table to eat while I did our bible time. I went out and poor Caleb (just trying to help out) had already made breakfast for himself and his little brother and there they sat eating--totally off schedule and completely disrupting my perfect plan to have bible time first thing!
Love this one of my little buddies holding hands.
Then we had the most amazing science lesson one morning when I stalked the turtle patrol. I had gone for a run when I saw their truck coming down the beach. When they stopped at a nest, I turned around to see if there might be any action. Sure enough, they pulled 9 baby turtles out that had hatched over night. I called Nick to bring the kids down. He hurried them out (in their pjs) and we watched as they released them into the ocean.
We took a field trip to the marine science center.
Not quite so sure what a snake has to do with the ocean, but they had one for the kids to pet. Rahel never got too close and she's the only one who didn't touch it (well, including me and Nick's mom--don't really see the need for that--trying not to impart my fears to our kids:-)
To get all the way to here (I will say for the record that I did smoke everyone in the stair climbing department--not that we were competing, just saying--had to redeem myself somehow).
We got to see this view.
Afterwards, we visited the gift shop. You have to go through it on the way in and Caroline found the cutest little pink sting ray as we were buying our tickets. She didn't ask for it, just pointed it out to us. I thought to myself, "If I only had one kid, I'd buy that for her." After we came down from the lighthouse, Nick and I talked and decided to let them each pick something out. We rarely buy extras like that. I can't stand accumulating lots of stuff and when you multiply by 6, it adds up. But we decided to splurge this time and the kids couldn't believe their luck.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
He Who Controls The Water Controls Life
Then our pastor made the statement, "He who controls the water controls life."
It made me think of all of the people suffering in Africa right now from the drought. The images are haunting and the stories of their struggles heartbreaking.
The problem seems overwhelming--and it really is. The magnitude of the problem is too much for anyone to fix by themselves, but we can all do something.
My friend Heather posted this on her blog:
“We can do no great things, only small things with great love” ~ Mother Theresa
“Don’t fail to do something, because you can’t do everything” ~ Bob Pierce, Founder of World Vision
Just like that, one family made a difference for a whole community.
For just $5 you can enter to win this authentic coach bag. Go to http://onepurse.org/ for details.
For just $10, you can purchase an Ethiopian bracelet via this blog (click on the link at the top left side of my blog).
Donate via my donate button.
Or, go to the Hopechest site and give directly to the well fund:
Go to www.hopechest.org, click on GIVE
Select DESIGNATED GIFT and specify the dollar amount of your donation
In the Reference Number, specify ET2119000
In the Notes area, specify TOG WELL
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Well Update
As the weeks have progressed, so have the drought conditions. With each new report comes an increased urgency to get this project funded.
Karen has posted the details of the well project on her blog. This is MUCH more than a well. It will be a "deep and wide" well that will not only serve the TOG kids, but also the surrounding community----what an impact!! The well will have a generator and the plumbing (unheard of in this area of Ethiopia) from the well to the buildings at TOG will be repaired. So when you donate to this project, you're not just helping the 100 kids at TOG, but countless surrounding families in the community that have the same daily struggle for water.
I think that's awesome!
Karen has set a goal to have the money raised before her trip to TOG in November. But I think it would be WAY cooler if the money was completely raised by the end of this month so the drilling will be in progress (or better yet completed) by the time she visits.
Wouldn't you love to see first hand pictures of clean fresh water flowing from the well at TOG in November (not a promise, just a prayer as things can move pretty slow in Ethiopia)? That would be an awesome Thanksgiving treat!
So with just $8000 left to raise---let's see:
that's just $285/day for the rest of August
or 100 people stepping up to donate $80
or 80 people donating $100....
$100 over the course of a month is just $25/week---less than $4/day
Think how many $4 trips to starbucks or through the drive thru you make a week.
If we gave that up for one month (really we can do anything for that amount of time) and instead saved the money--by the end of the month, you'd have the $100 to donate (plus you'd have all those health benefits that go with giving up coffee stops, treats and fast food :-)
I also have lots of these lovely bracelets for sale:
1 for $10
2 for $20
3 for $30........
Click on the bracelet link at the top left of this blog, or donate any amount via the donate button below it.
The bracelets say "I love you" in Amharic (main Ethiopian language).
To donate directly to Hopechest:
Go to www.hopechest.org, click on GIVE
Select DESIGNATED GIFT and specify the dollar amount of your donation
In the Reference Number, specify ET2119000
In the Notes area, specify TOG WELL
Please send a quick email to Karen if you donate on the HopeChest site at kjwistrom@yahoo.com so she can add it to the live tally on her blog and keep everyone updated (I'll email her if you donate on my blog or buy bracelets).
***************If you've already donated--thanks so much. If you have a blog or use facebook, please pass this on--every little bit helps***********************
Monday, August 1, 2011
Nice Little Christians
If you raise Godly warriors for Jesus Christ and then they backslide,
they become nice little Christians.
BUT if you raise nice little Christians and they back slide,
what do they become??
So this year, I choose to focus on raising warriors for Christ because at the end of the day, it's just what matters most.
If our children follow Jesus with all their hearts, souls minds and strength and extend God's love to others, then we've done our job.
Praying for another great year of learning..........