Saturday, March 28, 2015

We Have A Teenager!

It's true.  We're old!

We have a teenager. In just a few years, we'll have 6 at one time, but that's another post :-)

Rahel celebrated with this gorgeous group of girls with a trip to the mall for her first make over (not that she needs one).

Both of our families have a rule of no make up before the age of 13 and Rahel is the first one to hit the magic age, so everyone was very excited. 

Checking things out.

Her adoring fans.

The finished product.

We intended to eat cheesecake at the mall, but the wait was too long, so we opted to bring it home instead (because I'm so flexible :-)

Hard to believe our sweet girl is growing up so fast and already a teenager.  We know these next few years will go by just as fast as the past 4 have.  They say you blink and your babies are suddenly all grown up.  I think "they" are right.  This is especially true when your child joins your family at age 9.  We have missed the first half of her life, so we must be even more careful to treasure these moments we have we her. 

Rahel, we are so proud of the person you are.  You are beautiful inside and out and we are thankful for you and can't wait to see where God leads you.

Happy 13th birthday!

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