Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Family Fun

This past month, we've been lucky to have had lots of fun family times. My parents live walking distance from us, so the kids see them several times a week. But Nick's parents and grandparents live out of town, so it's always nice when they can visit. We got to spend time with his parents and his grandmother (our kids' great-granny Pat) in October.

Here's the latest hair style. Hermela is always asking for tiny braids-meaning teeny tiny corn rows. While I've learned to cornrow, it is so time consuming and mine really aren't that good. Especially the teeny tiny ones, so I did box braids and she was pretty happy with that tonight.

Caroline wanted hers done too, but I'd already been doing hair for almost 2 hours at that point, so she settled for one braid tonight and I'm planning to try and recreate Hermela's hair style for her tomorrow.

My parents took the kids camping and this is a shot of Nick and Caleb playing stick baseball-never miss an opportunity to practice right?
The girls outside the girls' tent.
My parents and the crew.
Nick's grandmother stopped by in her motor home last week while cruising the state. Meron chatting with Granny Pat.
A serious game of memory match with a princess.
Granny Pat and the crew reading a bed time story.

We had fun carving pumpkins-a first for Hermela and Meron of course. Nick's parents were in town and my brother came over, so we had one on one pumpkin carving buddies which was nice (otherwise Nick and I would have been at it for hours).

The finished product.
All dressed up (one of our little princesses had a little tantrum mishap (epic tantrum really) prior to the festivities and lost her dress up privileges :(
Nick's parents and the crew.

My parents and the crew.
Our boys found a bench and promptly dug in. We've had several incidents of Colton disappearing at home, only to find him hiding with a piece of candy in his mouth-we're working on that.

My Aunt had a nice little party for the kids. Pretty cute bunch if I do say so myself.

That pretty much takes care of October. The girls loved this "made-up" holiday season and are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. You should have seen Hermela's delight as she ran house to house. Where else do you get to act like a princess and have candy poured into your bag by strangers? Only in America.
That brings me to my next post: Is Santa Claus real????? I'll post the answer to that question soon.

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