One week down, three to go. I've been on bed rest for over a week now. As I drifted in and out of sleep, my family kept on moving thanks to the help of my family (especially my mom-so thankful she is close) and so many friends and neighbors. We couldn't have made it otherwise.
During this time of recovery, the trials of life seem to be unrelenting. Wednesday night, our ten year old first "baby" Lexi stared having trouble walking and was crying out in pain. The next day, Nick loaded her up (literally had to carry her out) to go to the vet. This picture was taken "just in case" she didn't make it home.

Praise-she pulled through and $650 later was back at home on muscle relaxers and pain meds.
Diagnosis???? You won't believe this, but they think she may have a slipped disk--just like me.
Are you kidding me? The only way to know for sure is for her to have an MRI-a $2000 procedure followed by a $3000 surgery to repair the disk. Well, she must have overheard Nick tell the vet that we just couldn't do that because she perked right up and seems to be doing ok now on the medications that they sent her home on. She probably is nearing the end of her life, but I'm just glad she got to come home for now--just don't want to have to deal with losing our dog right now.
welcome home Lexi

Nick has been keeping kids busy. He took the boys fishing while the girls went swimming with friends earlier this week and then took the girls to a local indoor bounce place and then the boys out to a major league game on Friday.
The boys LOVED it. Colton came home singing "Take me out to the ballgame." It was so cute!

My friend came over to bring us dinner and braided hair while she was here.
My "twins"

My mom has been organizing and weeding through the girls' drawers--a big help.

Rahel had her first Easter egg hunt at our neighbor's house Saturday.

And then, just because we haven't had enough things going wrong around here, our refrigerator decided to go out last night.

Praise--just like always God provided-our neighbor happens to repair appliances for a living and was able to defrost everything and get it working again.

Here I am with Caroline sporting my cool neck brace (she's wearing my shower brace). Attractive right???? I know you all want one.

I know that our family is under attack and that the enemy would like nothing more than for us to cave under all the trials that we've experienced lately. But we just aren't going to do that. I'm encouraged to know that we are not alone in this battle, but fighting it with the One that is victorious. So, we press on--striving to raise our kids up as arrows in the hands of the mighty warrior and continuing to work hard to bring our newest little arrow home-all for the Lords' glory.
My neighbor gave me a card with the scripture below. Just what I needed to refocus. Such an encouraging message.
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
Ephesians 6:10-13
Please feel free to share any scripture that you've found helpful-we need all the ammunition we can get.
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