The statistic that sticks out the most is the fact that if just 7% of all Christians in the world adopted one orphan, every orphan would have a home and a family. Just 7%.
So I'm dedicating this post to the three children that I wrote about here that still remain on our agency's waiting list and praising God that the little baby I mentioned was found by his family.

The sweet, sweet girl pictured above still waits. She is listed as being 7 years old by her birthday, but the staff feels that she is closer to 9 years. She is a full orphan having lost both of her parents. Her precious smile and great big eyes captured our hearts when we met her in January. The agency has waived all of her foreign fees.

This sister (top) and brother (bottom) pair are still waiting for a home to call there own. As I mentioned, we had a chance to meet them. We have great pictures of the older brother playing baseball and several that capture the sister's great smile. They are listed as being 10 and 7 years old, but I would guess that they are each a little older than that. They have grants that cover all of their foreign fees and the agency has just reduced their fee by half in hopes of finding a family for these siblings.
I've done the math, and that means that a family could bring these kids home for about $15,000 (that includes the home study, immigration clearance, agency fee, application fee, dossier fee, flights, travel (for one parent to travel twice) and in country expenses). As I write that number, it feels a little strange to put a price tag on kids. I'm not doing that at all, I'm talking numbers, because I think for some families, this is the biggest obstacle or fear that holds them back from following there hearts. So many times I hear, "I'd love to adopt, but it's so expensive." Yes. There are fees involved with adoption and they can seem insurmountable at times, but God loves adoption and I believe that He will provide if you take the first step and trust HIM.
I want to show you how the financial costs can be met, so that these two lives can be redeemed and brought into a loving family. As I mentioned, the agency fee is reduced to $2,250 plus a $250 application fee. That is all that you would need to start the process to bring these kids home-$2500. Once this part is started, the home study (if not already done) and immigration process would need to be completed (about $2,100). Then the daunting, but very doable, process of completing the dossier would ensue. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months at which time another $1000 would be due (meaning if you started that process today, it would take until sometime in July to get the dossier done).
After all of that, sit back and wait (patiently-ha) for the dossier to be submitted and a court date to be assigned (this could take as little as 2 months, but because the rainy season shuts down court in Aug/Sept., court would be unlikely until after September-giving you lots of time to fund raise for the travel portion of the trip-approximately $2500 for one parent for the first trip). Final travel usually follows a successful court date by 6 to 8 weeks. So you see, all costs are spread out. Plane flights comprise the biggest portion of travel expenses which can be offset by sky miles, possibly making the trip even less expensive.
Now some people may still look at these numbers and say, "well I don't even have the first portion." God will provide. Or, "what if we start the process and can't raise the funds in time?" I know it is really scary to step out and have faith, especially when money is involved, but I've read and know of many, many cases (ours included) where the family had no idea where the funds would come from, but knew that God would provide because adoption is part of his heart.
And, as an added bonus, there is now a $12,150 tax credit (per child) for any/all expenses incurred by the adoption! That means that for the siblings EVERY single penny would be refunded by the government the next time the adoptive family files taxes! That's a $0 adoption!
These are foundations that give grants to families adopting older kids and sibling groups:
So if you're thinking about adopting, think about these children on this post that still wait-because of their age. Actual children, not just a number in a staggering statistic, that still long to have a family "pick" them. That go to bed every night without the hope of a future.
And if your thinking that you don't have the money, pray for God to help you to , "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5. He will make your path straight.
Defending the Fatherless,
ReplyDeleteWhat you didn't even mention is that each child is eligible to receive up to a $12,150 tax credit for any/all expenses incurred by the adoption! That means that for the siblings EVERY single penny would be refunded by the government the next time the adoptive family files taxes! That a $0 adoption!
Hi jessica. thank you so much for this post! We are praying for the 3 kids you wrote about. My brother and sister in law are adopting the baby boy with the cleft lip and pallet! I will pass your blog on to some friends! Sasha
ReplyDeleteHi, Jessica. Rachelle sent me to your blog. I love it. Roddy and I would like to talk to you guys. Can you email me: Thanks. I'd also like to refer people to your blog if that is okay.
ReplyDeleteWe've been praying about adoption for awhile now, and have always been overwhelmed by the thought of it. Not sure what God has for us. But it's possible that God is using your blog post to make some big changes in our life! Our hearts are extremely burdened. Thank you for letting God use your voice!