Thursday, March 10, 2011

Februray Fun (a little late)

Fun in the February sun-can't beat it.

We came home from Ethiopia to amazing weather, so I hooked up the sprinkler, dug the bathing suits out of the closet and scooped up some ice cream. The kids loved it!

Later that week, we cruised over to the beach (one really great thing about home schooling-we read books about the beach and ocean and then I surprised them and told them we were going to go to the beach the next day--what a great field trip!).

The water was FREEZING, but the kids swam all day anyway.

We also had some awesome park days.

All the while, we couldn't believe our luck that is was so nice here while most of the country endured record breaking snow fall and icy temperatures. This is the life (at least until July and August hit:)


  1. Looks like such fun. Uncle Mike and I went to the beach on Saturday afternoon for a few hours in February. The water was way to cold for us old folks but we did enjoys sitting on the beach.
