Thursday, May 31, 2012

Beach Lovin

 This weekend we headed over to the beach for our first official trip of the summer (I know it's not actually summer yet--tell that to the Florida weather).  I'd been craving a trip to the ocean.  We were supposed to camp out in the Keys for spring break, but my spinal fusion kind of put a damper on those plans.  Enter plan B: a quick weekend getaway.  Awesome that the beach is just 1 hour away!

the obligatory family shot to prove we were there

my little twins and I sat safely in the sand--up by the hotel wall

while Nick and the big kids braved the big waves compliments of tropical storm Beryl

"look at that body--he works OUT"

the cautious crew

Colton is always up for a game of sand baseball

I wanted to capture individual pictures of each of our kids because I tend to get group shots. I think these show their sweet personalities.



Caroline-now 6

Meron-almost 6


Time for the group shot.

Click HERE to embrace the camera

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