Our big 8 year old requested a Lego cake.
(he build the center piece)
We spent the day at Lego Land. My parents gave us all tickets for Christmas, so we decided to go on Caleb's actual birthday. We decided last year to start a new tradition of doing something special with the birthday child rather than throwing big birthday parties. You spend about the same (or less) and the one on one time is priceless. This year, the whole family got to join in on Caleb's outing since we had these tickets.
Lego Land was super fun!
This was in the Kingdom Land. Caroline is jousting on a Lego horse.
This is the Daytona 500 Track
(all the fans in the stadium are Legos too)
These are life sized Lego creations.
Kicking back on a Lego safari.

And then just 3 days later, the big 1-0. Rahel has reached double digits and is now 10. We decided to get 10 balloons and do it up big as it was her very first birthday celebration ever.
Ariel is her favorite princess.
No place to put the candles except for blazing straight out from the front of her dress.
Then it was present time. Rahel's side kick was close by sporting her "little sister shirt."
A new watch from Nick's parents. Now she's telling time all day long-great teaching tool!
And one of my favorite moments of the night is when she opened this. It's called a Wildlife Storyteller
And then just 3 days later, the big 1-0. Rahel has reached double digits and is now 10. We decided to get 10 balloons and do it up big as it was her very first birthday celebration ever.
She loved that. She also asked for a strawberry princess cake. She had never seen one of these dress cakes, so she was pretty surprised. She said, "Who made this one?" I told her I did and she said, "mommy makes the best cakes." (It's super easy-just takes time, but I'll let her think that if she wants).
The company that makes these has various animals with solar rechargeable recorded gospel messages in them. They come in over 5000 different languages and either tell the gospel story or a collection of different bible stories. Rahel's is in Tigriniya (her native language) and has 192 bible stories on it and we just sent a couple with our friends from our small group who are currently in Haiti meeting a group of orphans that we plan to help support through Children's HopeChest. I'll definitely be bringing the Amharic version when I go back to Ethiopia as well. Such a great idea!
When she turned it on, she listened for a few seconds and then a beaming smile came across her face. She said, "It's about God!" She listens to it at night in her bed before she goes to sleep.
Now I want to get a few English versions for our other kids.
Happy birthday to my two big kids!
I loved these pictures! You have such a beautiful family.