Well that sweet little buddy also has a little strong willed wild child side (he gets it from his daddy :-) that has from time to time manifested it's self in the form of creative writing-----only not on paper.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Well that sweet little buddy also has a little strong willed wild child side (he gets it from his daddy :-) that has from time to time manifested it's self in the form of creative writing-----only not on paper.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Well Fund Update
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
First Beach Trip
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Water Emergency
I received an email that Karen Wistrom (sponsorship coordinator for TOG) sent out to all of the sponsors. She further described the desperate drought situation sweeping across Ethiopia and other African nations.
Click here to view an article featured today on CNN's website. The situation is described as "staggering hunger." It so scary to think of all of these people suffering and the number seems to be climbing each day.
Karen also said that the crops at TOG are failing due to the lack of water. That makes me so sad as we were just there 2 short months ago and the crops had just started to come in. I can't imagine the disappointment they all must be feeling after working so hard to get fields planted.
The fact is that without water, it is just impossible to grow enough food to sustain these communities.
Please consider donating in any amount to this fund. It has now become an emergent need.
You can donate or purchase a bracelet to help support the well fund at TOG at the top left side of my blog.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Well Fund Update
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Challenge For Trees of Glory Sponsors (and anyone else that reads this blog)
Wow! That still sounds like a lot (even though more than half of the funds have already been donated).
So, I like numbers and I got to thinking--if there are over 80 sponsors (I know some people have multiple kids at TOG) and $24,000 left to raise and we divided that amount by the number of sponsor families ($24,000 divided by 80 sponsors), each sponsor would only have to raise $300 each and we could reach our goal!
Karen also said that she'd LOVE to have all of the money raised before she leaves for her trip to TOG in November. So that leaves just 4 months to reach that goal.
Now, I know that most of us don't have and extra $300 just sitting around--we certainly don't-hence the bracelet fundraiser. But if you spread it out over 4 months, that's just $75 a month--and I know we can spend that on a quick trip to Walmart these days, but still don't necessarily have that money sitting around (again--the bracelet fundraiser).
There's lots of ways to raise money with blogs and facebook and other social networking. Plus, you can't underestimate the value of a good yard sale (one of my least favorite activities--yet we raised $1400 last year for our adoption doing one).
Lemonade stands with your cute kids--if you can stand the heat--throw in some baked goods and you're in business.
I know some of you are crafty and definitely more creative than me........
So what if we all banded together and contributed 1/80th of the need for this water well, we could meet Karen's goal over the next few months and get those kids some water.
Now, if you're reading this post and think to yourself, "well, I'm not a sponsor at TOG." Fear not--you too can join the fun by donating any amount via the donate button at the top left of my blog or
by going to the Hopechest website http://www.hopechest.org/
clicking on GIVE
select "designated gifts" and enter your donation amount
enter ET21190000 in the "reference" block
and Trees of Glory Well in the "notes" section
Now, this post isn't intended to be a guilt trip and certainly not a requirement of sponsorship, just a brainstorming session and the realization that if we break down that big number and all give a little, it adds up pretty quickly.
Well Fund Update

The drawing will take place on Sunday, July 17th at 6:00 pm, so don't delay!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Bracelet Fundraiser for TOG Well
We have a friend who owns a little shop in the touristy shopping area in Addis and she special ordered these for me in May when I went to pick up Rahel. I have about 60 of these this time in three different colors (update-yellow bracelets sold out).
I'm offering these for a donation of $10 each plus $3 shipping. I can ship up to four bracelets per package. Unfortunately, I'm not savvy enough to figure out how to allow you to order multiple bracelets at a time, so you'll have to order each individually. I'll credit you back the additional shipping fees if you happen to order more then one bracelet. Sorry about that extra step. I have lots of red and black bracelets, but only 3 remaining yellow ones (update-yellow bracelets sold out), so if those are your favorite, don't delay.
To purchase the bracelets, click on the paypal button at the top left hand side of my blog to place your order. Please remember to select the color of bracelet that you would prefer.
Please be sure to include your shipping address. I will be shipping orders out on Friday of each week and your items should arrive 2-3 days later. So if you order today, you'll receive your bracelets by early next week.
My goal is to raise at least $600 for the TOG well.
I've also added a donate button in which you can donate funds to the well in any amount without the purchase of a bracelet.
I'll keep you posted on our progress.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A Message From My Friends
What I love most about this clip is how clearly they articulate the partnership that we as sponsors and members of the family of God are in with them. They talk of us as "serving along side of them in the kingdom of the Lord." I pray that we will not take that partnership lightly. They are in the trenches each day happily caring for more than 100 children under fairly tough conditions. Let's work as they do--with our whole hearts--to provide them with the resources that they need to continue to do that.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
She Dreams In English
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Rahel's First Road Trip
Colton loves Mr. Hack---welcome to the family!