So it happened. I'm 40. I've never had an issue with getting older. Thirty came and went without much thought. But, I distinctly remember waking up in a bit of a panic this past December with the realization that I'd be turning 40 the very next month.
I remember when my mom turned 40. How could I already be at that milestone? Think about it. Twenty years ago, I was just 20. I was young, about to meet Nick and start nursing school. I had no idea of what the next 20 years would hold, but who does right? To be honest, 20 years have flown by and that's the hard part. In another 20 years, God willing, I'll be 60!
Rahel recently told my mom I was having a midlife crisis.
I hope that's not true yet, I'd like to make it closer to 100, so I can't peak for another
10 years at that rate.
But I have become acutely aware of how fleeting time is.
In the past 10 years, I've gone from having a house full of preschoolers to a house full of teenagers.
And in another 10, I'll likely have a house full of graduates and newlyweds and maybe a
grand kid or two.
As days seem to slip by one right after another, I want to be sure that my eyes are on the One who knows the whole story. I can so easily seek after my own will and desires. God has repeatedly reminded me lately that His ways are better than my own, that He is in control and that He will guide me if I'm listening.
As 2018 came to a close and the New Year began, the word TIME kept coming to my mind. I kept telling Nick, this year is all about time. I don't know if it's my 40th birthday, the fact that many of our kids are quickly approaching adulthood or if God has another reason for bringing this word to mind.
What I do know is that all of our time here is limited and what we spend our time on is important. We must live our lives with eternity in view.
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1