Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday November 25, 2018

We started our morning with a visit to our sweet Ato.  We arrived and were greeted by the staff with joyful news that he was much improved.  We entered his room to find him smiling and in good spirits.

I can only say that God worked a miracle for him to have turned around so dramatically from the previous morning.  He had eaten well and we now able to move more on his own and without much pain.

His care took about an hour and as I mentioned is quite unpleasant for him.  Yet he continued to thank God throughout the process and was clearly grateful for the improvement he felt.

We then headed to church and then had an amazing brunch at Bake and Brew.  I should have taken a picture!

We then did a little shopping before heading to Aimee's daughter Yordi's orphanage to spend some time with the kids there and update the Sisters and nanny's on Yordi's progress.

When I came with Aimee two years ago, there was a particularly precious baby boy named Zacchaeus that latched on to me, and me to him.  He had a difficult story and one that would not allow him to be adopted.   At the time I remember my heart breaking for him because that meant that he would remain in the orphanage until he aged out, without a family.  Of course I've wondered about him and wondered if he would still be there.

We greeted the older kids and Nick and Brayden stayed out to play soccer while the rest of us headed up to cuddle some babies. 

We walked in the room and a sweet 2 year old walked up to me and raised his hands.  I asked his name (well, at the time I thought he was a girl because of his cute flowery  shirt) and he answered, Zacchaeus."  I clarified with the nanny that this was indeed the Zacchaeus we had met previously and it was!

He wouldn't let me put him down for the longest time, which I loved.  He is so smart and so sweet and clearly well loved and happy.  It still breaks my heart that he is growing up in an orphanage, but I was glad to see that he seemed to be thriving.  

My heart could have burst with joy to spend time with him and let's just say that if the situation were different and I could have brought him home, well the Irvin's would have grown by one more today.  I just love him and pray God's blessing on His life.

We ended the night with the most delicious Ethiopian food and wonderful hospitality at the home of our guide and driver Fekadu.  It was so nice to see him with his family and meet his baby boy and we were all grateful for the invitation.

Tomorrow, we head to Holeta to begin our work with Children's HopeChest.  I can't wait to be back in this small town and to meet our sponsor kids for the first time.  

I also can't wait to jump in bed and hopefully get some sleep. 

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