Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Desires of our Heart

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4. I just received an email from our new agency stating that they have received our application and the girls have been removed from the waiting child list and are now officially on hold to be our children!!! They're sending the paperwork to us tomorrow.

Next, we'll have to send in a pile of documents that will be translated and sent to Ethiopia. After they arrive in Ethiopia, our case will be assigned a court date and then we'll travel to pick them up once we pass court. We're estimating sometime in January or February to be home--but who knows-lots of variables.

This is all so surreal. I look at their pictures now with a longing-knowing that they are waiting and don't know that we are coming yet.

Please pray for them as they wait-that they would be safe, healthy and strong. Pray also for the process to go smoothly and that they would not have to wait unnecessarily (they've been waiting since July).

We can't post pictures or even their names until after we have passed court in Ethiopia (they are super cute!).

The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with JOY.

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